When using withClientHints() in nodejs environment and browser without client-hints support (basically anything that's not Chromium-based), it will returns a new object with updated data.// server-side example // Suppose we got a request having these HTTP headers: const request = { headers...
require"browser"browser=Browser.new("Some User Agent",accept_language:"en-us")# General infobrowser.bot?browser.chrome?browser.chromium_based?browser.core_media?browser.duck_duck_go?browser.edge?# Newest MS browserbrowser.electron?# Electron Frameworkbrowser.firefox?browser.full_versionbrowser.ie?bro...
awaitpage.goto('https://example.com'); awaitbrowser.close(); })(); SeeChromiumBrowser,FirefoxBrowserandWebKitBrowserfor browser-specific features. Note thatbrowserType.connect(options)andbrowserType.launch([options])always return a specific browser instance, based on the browser being connected to ...
Chrome vs Chromium: Which to use when? There’s no singular answer. Choose the browser based on the use case. Generally, however, most people prefer using Chrome since it is easier to use and has a gamut of useful add-ons. Chrome offers a better Flash player, and allows viewing more ...
What are the benefits to Google in using a non-WebKit based browser? The benefits for Google, the wet dream of Google is to have Apple reduced to HP, Dell, Lenovo, and Intel level, where by Apple, just makes/provides hardware and Google gets to design and run the Internet on...
Better browsing experience in popular websites as a result of improved HTML5 compatibility and now based on Chromium Improved security by using kernel attack protection, which makes attacks on the kernel less successful Better management of favorites including creating folders for favorites and...
Start by navigating Chrome (or any Chromium-based browser) to any webpage you want to inspect. Right-click anywhere on the page and select Inspect from the context menu. Alternatively, use the above keyboard shortcut. DevTools appears docked at the bottom of your browser window on larger scre...
sec-ch-ua: " Not A;Brand";v="99", "Chromium";v="90", "Google Chrome";v="90" sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0 Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1 User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.212 Safari/537.36 ...
If an 'Open' verb is not defined for the non-Microsoft Office document, opening failed with error. Now the default verb is selected automatically. Firefox did not detect the protocol application. Now, this bug is fixed. Cookies processing code in Chrome and Edge Chromium web browser extensions...
creation • Browser can't connect to my app • Selenium 3 WebDriver testing framework is not working properly with Microsoft Edge (Chromium) • My tests using XPath are slow Can't connect to a RemoteWebDriver You might see this error when you have an expired URL from CreateTestGridUrl...