Clear the local storage inMozilla Firefox To clear the local storage inFirefox, complete the following steps: On thePower BIservice page, pressF12to open theDevelopertools. Click theSettingsbuttonto open the toolbox options and checkStorageunderDeveloper Tools. ...
增加LocalDB 初始化时 options.expire 对"Date()"的支持,数据可以在指定日期内一直存在。 sort从core/utils抽离出来形成单独的模块。 API Reference 具体的API请参考这里 Get Involved Fork LocalDB 将Fork后的LocalDB项目clone到本地 命令行执行git branch develop-own来创建一个新分支 ...
1、打开注册表,增加如下项HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge 2、再DWORD(32位)值...
browserContext.storageState([options])# options <Object> path <string> The file path to save the storage state to. If path is a relative path, then it is resolved relative to current working directory. If no path is provided, storage state is still returned, but won't be saved to the...
By default, Moesif uses both local storage and cookies for redundancy, but you can modify this behavior with thepersistenceoptions List of Methods on themoesifObject init, (obj) => null Initialize the SDK with your Publishable Application Id and any other options. On initialization, the SDK wi...
If you configure the application to require elevated trust, a security warning dialog box appears instead. This dialog box contains the same shortcut options, but also alerts the user that the application will have greater access to the computer. For more information, seeTrusted Applications. ...
存储进程为插件提供本地存储能力,比如使用进行持久化存储; 浏览器进程在这里更多起到桥梁作用,作为中转可以实现Extension Page和content_script.js之间的消息通信。 插件基本介绍 版本发展 chrome插件存在三个版本,分别是Manifest V1、Manifest V2和Manifest V3。
Mobile Version loginCOSBrowser Mobile Version supports the following three login options: Login with WeChat: If your Tencent Cloud account was created through WeChat or associated with a specific WeChat account, you can use the WeChat account to quickly log in to COSBrowser. ...
When choosing a browser look at items such as its speed (how fast pages load), security (how good is its anti-malware protection), compatibility (does it support your operating system) and customization options (what type of user interface does it offer). Other factors include plugins/extensio...
{ var browser = this, builder = options.componentBuilder; // inherit getWindow(), getDocument(), getLocation(), getHistory(), // getLocalStorage(), getSessionStorage(), getNavigator() AbstractBrowser.extend( this, options ); // my browser API extension... this.getComponentBuilder = function...