管理扩展,快速启用/禁用扩展。 功能包括 -通过选中/取消选中复选框来启用/禁用扩展 -通过滚动条对扩展名进行排序 -转到每个扩展程序的选项页面 -转到每个扩展程序的详细信息页面 使用此管理器软件可以快速启用/禁用扩展。 免责声明:请注意,此扩展不是由Microsoft进行的,而是由独立的开发团队进行的。所有版权属于其各自...
Don’t haveMicrosoft Edgeyet? Try it today and take advantage of these browser extensions. Features and functionality subject to change. Articles are written specifically for the United States market; features, functionality, and availability may vary by region. ...
Improve the overall security and efficiency of your workforce with the following features: View and securely authenticate to all your authorized apps, shared a
打开Microsoft Edge并选择设置和更多>扩展。 将显示建议的扩展列表。 向下滚动并选择“了解更多扩展”,以打开 Microsoft Store 查看更多扩展。 在Microsoft Store 中搜索你想要的扩展。 找到所需扩展后,选择“获取”以将其安装到你的设备上。 安装完成后,切换回Microsoft Edge。 阅读相关通知,了解扩展的功能,然后...
How to access free in-browser games in Microsoft EdgeIf you want to expand your online gaming experience, the Microsoft Edge Games menu has thousands of action-packed games that take just a few seconds to install via browser extensions. Take a break, play some games, and challenge yourself ...
Note Developers are encouraged to use Microsoft Edge, the new default browser built for Windows 10. For more information on Microsoft Edge Extensions, check out the Microsoft Edge Extensions documentation on the Microsoft Edge Dev Center.Browser extensions, introduced in Microsoft Internet Explorer 5,...
Microsoft Edge is designed to be secure, reliable, fast and responsive by default, and to ensure that the user is always in control of their experience. Microsoft Edge Extensions, available exclusively from the Microsoft Store, are theonly supportedmechanism to modify the end-user experience of ...
Install Microsoft Edge extensions by BrowserNative. Close All Tabs, User-Agent Switcher, Incognito This Tab, Mail My Tabs, QR Code, Share Tools, SiteTools.
Scroll down and selectExplore more extensionsto open the Microsoft Store for more extensions. Search the Microsoft Store for the extension you want. Once you've found it, selectGet to install it on your device. Once the installation is complete, switch back toMicrosoft Edge. ...
Microsoft Edge Canary 移动版本 可在 Android 设备上安装浏览器扩展。虽然可以安装,但有的扩展可能在移动设备无法正常工作。 Canary 版本可以从 Google Play安装; 补充:小米手机/小米平… 肉饼 Cloudflare 为 Microsoft Edge 安全网络开启隐私保护代理支持 隆重宣布:Microsoft Edge 现已采用 Cloudflare 的隐私代理技术(Cl...