Sidle half up, press near, and proffer wares for sale—In their phrase,—make in ours, white levy of black mail. They, of the wild, require some touch of us the tame, Since clothing, meat and drink, mean money all the same. IX If hunger, proverbs say, allures the wolf from wood...
Their style was the exact clothing of their thought. They wrote exactly as they thought; and when they put their thought into other clothing, when they doctored their style, they did not represent what they really thought. No sensible person then would have asked Browning to change his style...
Another glimpse is caught of this period when husbands and brothers and fathers meted out what they considered justice to the women in “In a Gondola.”“The Grammarian’s Funeral” gives also an aspect of Renaissance life–the fervor for learning characteristic of the earlier days of the ...
The museum houses a collection of historic clothing, horse gear, weapons, household implements, baby carriers, and toys. The museum also sponsors educational programs and researches the cultures of the Plains Tribes. In addition, the museum hosts a variety of events throughout the year. The Museu...
From such a proved wolf in sheep's clothing. Not so, I; for I caught an expression In her brow's undisturbed self-possession Amid the Court's scoffing and merriment,--- As if from no pleasing experiment She rose, yet of pain not much heedful ...