The 1971 Browning was produced in .380 ACP (9mm Browning Short) caliber. It is a sleek, well-designed striker fired semi-auto having the main recoil spring around the barrel. This gun was a re-design of the famous 1910 Browning, which was first imported into the USA as the 1955 model...
2) Browning automatic pistol 布郎宁手枪3) machine 9mm gun 勃朗宁9毫米手枪 1. QSZ model 92 pistol and machine 9mm gun are two different kinds of guns,but they shoot the same kind of bullet. QSZ92式9毫米手枪和勃朗宁9毫米手枪是发射同一种枪弹的两种枪支,文章通过实验观察这两种枪支射击弹头...