Brown University’s master of public health program has a12 course credit requirement. Core Courses - in person program All MPH students take core courses designed to develop analytical skills and knowledge in key areas of public health. Candidates must take four standard courses and two half cours...
The spirit of the undergraduate Open Curriculum infuses every aspect of the University. Brown is a place where rigorous scholarship, complex problem-solving and service to the public good are defined by intense collaboration, intellectual discovery and working in ways that transcend traditional boundarie...
布朗大学(Brown University)是美国八所著名常春藤盟校之一,是全美第七古老的大学,是世界著名的顶级私立研究型大学。布朗大学也是美国第一所可以接受任何宗教背景的学生入学的高校。布朗大学坐落在美国罗德岛州的首府普罗维登斯市。在这里四季分明,风景优美,学校的环境极好。校园内的大部分建筑都历史悠久,从18世纪到20世纪...
布朗大学(Brown University)是美国八所著名常春藤盟校之一,是全美第七古老的大学,是世界著名的顶级私立研究型大学。布朗大学也是美国第一所可以接受任何宗教背景的学生入学的高校。布朗大学坐落在美国罗德岛州的首府普罗维登斯市。在这里四季分明,风景优美,学校的环境极好。校园内的大部分建筑都历史悠久,从18世纪到20世纪...
Brown University Rankings Niche rankings are based on rigorous analysis of key statistics from the U.S. Department of Education and millions of reviews. Colleges with the Best Professors in America 3 of 1,503 Best Colleges for Public Health in America 3 of 284 Best Colleges for English in Ame...
Brown University Courses Current Topics in Environmental Health 环境健康的当前议题 Biotechnology and Global Health 生物技术与全球卫生 Meditation, Mindfulness and Health 冥想、正念和健康 Health, Hunger and the Household in Developing Countries 发展中国家的健康、饥饿和家庭 ...
The faculty-student ratio at Brown University (Alpert) is 2.3:1. The Warren Alpert Medical School has 1,393 full-time faculty on staff. The M.D. education at the Brown University Warren Alpert Medical School begins with integrated science courses and allows students to pursue an area of ...
For the last half century, the freedomenabled by Brown University’s distinctive approach to undergraduate educationhas propelled generations of graduates into high-impact lives and careers asleaders in medicine, business, law, entrepreneurship, the ar...
View all courses Location United States International students 2137 Cost of living (Avg) USD959 THE World Ranking 58 University info Overview Founded in 1764, Brown is a leading research university home to world-renowned faculty, and an innovative educational institution where the curiosity, ...
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