EBSCO dx.doi.org Cambridge Univ Press ResearchGate ideas.repec.org 查看更多 相似文献 参考文献A. J. BROWN, €PHILLIPS€S CURVE,€ AND ECONOMIC NETWORKS IN THE 1950S Brown in the 1950s debate surrounding the wage-rate change/unemployment relationship. While the publication of William (Bill) Phil...
Korytin, S. A.Man and Bear:How to Behave When Meeting a Dangerous Predator. (LKI Publ., Moscow [in Russ.], 2010). Puchkovsky, S. V.Man and the Brown Bear in Russia: How to Ensure Conflict-free Coexistence and Sustainable Development. (Udmurt State Univ., Izhevks. [in Russ.], 2...
contrary, the lowest mean value of the parasitism rate was observed with 4-day-old host eggs and 1 parasitoid pair (6.5%). Similarly, the age of parasitoids significantly affected parasitisation. The older the parasitoids were, the higher the parasitism rate achieved by adults ofO. telen...