美 英 网络棕蛇;棕色蟒蛇;棕色蛇
Define brown thrasher. brown thrasher synonyms, brown thrasher pronunciation, brown thrasher translation, English dictionary definition of brown thrasher. n. A North American bird related to the mockingbird and having a reddish-brown back and a dark-stre
Define red-brown. red-brown synonyms, red-brown pronunciation, red-brown translation, English dictionary definition of red-brown. Adj. 1. red-brown - of brown tinged with red mahogany-red, reddish-brown chromatic - being or having or characterized by hue
"Juveniles are also variable in coloration and pattern, usually varying from yellow to brown with a black head and narrow black bands along the body and tail," said Viernum. Strap-snouted brown snake (Pseudonaja aspidorhyncha) (Image credit: Getty Images) Range and habitat Storeria: North ...
white bands on top of a brownish-black base and two patches of light tan on the sides of its head. The Northern water snake has dark brown bands on top of a lighter brown base, and these bands are triangular in shape. The brown water snake is found throughout Mississippi, living in ...
蛇头符号矢量图标设计元素5119655(snake-head-symbol-vector-icon-design-element5119655) 作品集:蛇100张 幸福是奋斗出来 6个月前 纹身艺术骷髅魔鬼面具和蛇素描黑色12638948(tattoo-art-skull-devil-mask-and-snake-drawing-sketch-black-and12638948) 作品集:蛇100张 ...
The most remarkable thing was his staff which looked like a black snake.“Come on," said the elder man. “You walk so slowly. Take my staff if you are tired. "Brown stopped and said, "I have kept my promise to meet you here, but I want to return home now. I don't want to ...
The most remarkable thing was his staff which looked like a black snake."Come on," said the elder man. "You walk so slowly. Take my staff if you are tired. "Brown stopped and said, "I have kept my promise to meet you here, but I want to return home now. I don't want to do...
Related to King Brown Snake:tiger snake,Eastern brown snake brown snake n (Animals)Australany of various common venomous snakes of the genusPseudonaja Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, ...
brown snake brown soft scale Brown spar Brown stone Brown stout brown study brown sugar Brown Swiss brown thrasher brown thrush brown toast brown trout Brown University brown water Brownback brown-bag brown-black Browne Browne Charles Farrar