DESCRIPTION: Brown-headed Cowbird is relatively small, with short and conical bill, rather long and pointed wings, and slightly rounded tail. Adult male is uniformly glossy greenish back, with brown head and neck. It has black eyes, legs and feet. The bill is dull grey. Adult female is br...
Egg pecking and discriminationby female and male Brown-headed Cowbirds. Dubina KM,Peer BD. J Ornithol . 2013Dubina KM,Peer BD.Egg pecking and discriminationby female and male Brown-headed Cowbirds. J Ornithol . 2013Dubina KM,Peer BD. Egg pecking and discrimination by female and male Brown-...
The meaning of BROWN-HEADED COWBIRD is a cowbird (Molothrus ater) widespread in the U.S. and southern Canada in which the male is black with a brown head and the female is gray. How to use brown-headed cowbird in a sentence.
Related to Brown-headed Cowbird: white-throated sparrowcowbird cowbird, New World bird of the blackbird and oriole (hangnest) family. The male eastern, or common, cowbird is glossy black, about 8 in. (20 cm) long, with a brown head and breast; the female is gray. Most cowbirds lay th...
Brown-headed cowbird, Manlig, Molothrus ater bild. Gratis att använda. Kommentarer Gemenskapen väntar på att höra från dig! Logga in eller gå med i Pixabay för att visa kommentarer Logga in Gå med Pixabay brown-headed cowbird manlig molothrus ater koltrast familj icteridae ...
The impact on their families, especially on thoseheadedbywomen, including the suffering from not knowing the whereabouts of their loved ones, has been tortuous. 失踪对其家庭,尤其是那些以妇女为主导的家庭造成了深 远影响,包括因所爱的人不知所踪而遭受痛苦。
Prolactin secretion in a brood parasite, the brown‐headed cowbird, Molothrus aterBlood samples were collected from a free-living population of male and female brown-headed cowbirds, Molothrus ater, during the breeding season and plasma levels of prolactin were measured by radioimmunoassay. Prolactin ...
brown-headed cowbird 读音:美英 brown-headed cowbird基本解释 褐头牛鹂;棕头牛鹂 分词解释 cowbird(北美产的)燕八哥
brown-head·ed cowbirdˈbrau̇n-ˌhe-dəd- brown-headed cowbird英英释义 noun a cowbird (Molothrus ater) widespread in the U.S. and southern Canada in which the male is black with a brown head and the female is gray Sadly, the vireo is vulnerable to a nest parasite, the bro...
Learn about the brown-headed cowbird and study its characteristics and behavior. Explore the unique traits of cowbird eggs and see parasitizing...