An illuminating conversation on Big Tech with the co-hosts of the Pivot podcast, Kara Swisher and Scott Galloway.
We called up Matthew VanLeeuwen for his insight on what eye shadow looks best on your big brown, blue, hazel, and green eyes.
"Since there's a favoritism of blue eyes and so many aspire to have blue eyes, it makes sense that blue eyes are such a focus of meme culture," said Haney. Marchena echoed her sentiment: "No offense to anybody who has blue eyes, because they're so pretty. But it's just hilarious...
Darwin referred to this as survival of the fittest. Over time, it results in changes in the inherited characteristics of a population because organisms with adaptations that make them fit for their environment will survive and reproduce better than those without favorable traits. Natural Selection Gen...
When we total the score and I can’t believe my eyes. [Source] When I have a snowball’s chance of winning and end up pulling ahead by the skin of my teeth. [Source] When I finally beat him at a game healwayswins. (Even the hair looks the same.) [Source] ...
The mobile game character Arines is a adult with hip / past hip length blonde / yellow hair and blue eyes.
Instantly the automatic door swept aside, and I entered the supermarket, the tiles slick and cool underfoot. I noticed the specials (two pints of blueberries for $5) and the surprise on the faces of some of my fellow-shoppers – evident in a subtle downward flicker of the eyes — as the...