Current local time in Brown Deer, WI, USA. Time zones CST, Central Standard Time, America/Chicago. Brown Deer UTC/GMT offset, daylight saving, facts and alternative names
Brown Deer, White Deer Population 12,102 Currency Dollar (USD) Geographic Coordinates 43° 09' N Latitude / 87° 57' W Longitude International Dialing Code +1 Time Zone Abbreviation / Name -05 - PET - Peru Time UTC / GMT Offset
Kobayashi, K. et al. 2012. Increased brown bear predation on sika deer fawns following a deer population irruption in eastern Hokkaido, Japan. - Ecol. Res. 27: 849-855.Kobayashi K., Sato Y. & Kaji K. Increased brown bear predation on sika deer fawns following a deer population ir...
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Brown hares (Lepus europaeus) were collected before and after autumn rains from a mixed farmland and scrubland area. The age and sex of each specimen were determined, and microhistological technique was applied to analyze the stomach contents. Hares cons
deer mouse(genusPeromyscus) grasshopper mouse(genusOnychomys) hamster(various genera) golden hamster(Mesocricetus auratus) lemming(various genera) maned rat(Lophiomys imhausi) muskrat(generaNeofiberandOndatra) rice rat(genusOryzomys) vole(various genera) ...
CCrraaffttssppeeooppllee,, ttiinnkkeerreerrss,, hhoobbbbyyiissttss,, aanndd iinnvveennttoorrss ccaannaallll bbeeccoonnssiiddeerreeddmmaakkeerrss..AAssCChhrriiss AAnnddeerrssoonn ppuuttss iitt,, ""WWee aarree aallll bboorrnn mmaakkeerrss..""2' BBrrooaaddllyy,, aa mmaakkeerr ...
InIncoonrtdraesrt,torempreodtieactitoanllgorealcserpetgoarrsdifnrgomurbcahnanplgainnnginlgancodnusisdeerdmueorteotybpreoswonf field redeveexlpoopsmureenpt,arthew-aanyaslyosfeosno-sfitreemaneddoiafft-isointegroecaelsptaorres.rIenquorirdeedr.toInptrhoitsecsttualdl yre, cfleepxtiobrlsefrroemmec...
Jairin, J.; Teangdeerith, S.; Leelagud, P.; Kothcharerk, J.; Sansen, K.; Yi, M.; Vanavichit, A.; Toojinda, T. Development of rice introgression lines with brown planthopper resistance and KDML105 grain quality characteristics through marker-assisted selection. Field Crop. Res. 2009,...
Kobayashi, K. et al. 2012. Increased brown bear predation on sika deer fawns following a deer population irruption in eastern Hokkaido, Japan. - Ecol. Res. 27: 849-855.Kobayashi K., Sato Y. & Kaji K. Increased brown bear predation on sika deer fawns following a deer population ir...