TYRP1 is associated with dun coat colour in Dexter cattle or how now brown cow? Anim Genet 34: 169–175. Braasch I, Liedtke D, Volff J-N, Schartl M (2009). Pigmentary function and evolution of tyrp1 gene duplicates in fish. Pigment Cell Melanoma Res 22: 839–850. Dro¨ gemu¨ ...
ha−1) in a rotational application with aqueous extract of Jatropha gossypiifolia + cow urine @ 1:1 ratio (3.5%) and aqueous extract of Argemone maxicana + ‘toddy’ @ 1:2 ratio (3.0%) significantly reduced the nymphs and adult populations of BPH. The aforesaid insecticides and...