Rick Perry appointed me judge of the 129th District Court of Harris County of Houston, Tex. It is a state civil court, but that covers a fairly wide range of matters. After winding up my law practice, I took the bench on May 23—the day before reunion. In order to retain my ...
Brian Harper has become the first African-American health commissioner for Suffolk County, Long Island. He looks forward to hearing from old friends. Marcia Siam Wiley and John Sparks’84 announce the September 2003 birth of North Sparks, delivered by Barbara Detering’85. Marcia and John live ...
Upon my return to work in the first week of March, I was required by the hospital to report travel to the employee health clinic, which I did. Prior to arrival of COVID, I was going to travel to Ohio for an elective rotation and to New York to present at a conference. With COVID...
Presidential hopeful Vivek Ramaswamy's lack of foreign policy experience was brought into focus following last night's Republican primary debate after it was pointed out that he has yet to bomb any brown people.
1 1 CuyahogaCounty BoardofCountyCommissioners DepartmentofDevelopment•112HamiltonCt.•4thFloor•Cleveland,Ohio44114 B r o w n f i e l d s 1 CuyahogaCounty BoardofCountyCommissioners DepartmentofDevelopment•112HamiltonCt.•4thFloor•Cleveland,Ohio44114 B r o w n f i e l d s COMMISS...