Rick Perry appointed me judge of the 129th District Court of Harris County of Houston, Tex. It is a state civil court, but that covers a fairly wide range of matters. After winding up my law practice, I took the bench on May 23—the day before reunion. In order to retain my ...
Harris County, with Houston as its main city, has a larger population than more than 30 states in the U.S. Houston is second only to Dallas in terms of cars per household in the U.S. as well. Combine these two facts with the never-ending expressways and you have a city in which y...
Presidential hopeful Vivek Ramaswamy's lack of foreign policy experience was brought into focus following last night's Republican primary debate after it was pointed out that he has yet to bomb any brown people.
1 1 CuyahogaCounty BoardofCountyCommissioners DepartmentofDevelopment•112HamiltonCt.•4thFloor•Cleveland,Ohio44114 B r o w n f i e l d s 1 CuyahogaCounty BoardofCountyCommissioners DepartmentofDevelopment•112HamiltonCt.•4thFloor•Cleveland,Ohio44114 B r o w n f i e l d s COMMISS...