"Daring in its scholarly advocacy, Stephen Morris' "When Brothers Dwell in Unity" challenges us to reimagine, most creatively, some of the very fundamentals of Christian identity, namely orthodoxy and sexual orientation(s), and most importantly, he reminds us that the relationship between these ...
doi:10.1111/rirt.12929WHEN Brothers Dwell in Unity: Byzantine Christianity & Homosexuality (Book)MORRIS, StephenCHRISTIANITYHOMOSEXUALITYRELIGIONNONFICTIONHISTORYTripp, Jeffrey M.Reviews in Religion & Theology
When Brothers Dwell in Unity - A Song of Ascents. Of David. Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity! It is like the precious
The term "brothers" indicates a familial relationship among believers, emphasizing unity and equality within the body of Christ. This reflects the early Christian understanding of the church as a family, transcending social and ethnic boundaries. The use of "brothers" also highlights the apostle ...
She kept also great order in the house, and the beds were always beautifully white and clean, and the brothers were contented, and lived in unity. One day the two got ready a fine feast, and when they were all assembled they sat down and ate and drank, and were full of joy. Now...
This phrase indicates a conclusion or exhortation based on previous statements. The term "brothers" signifies a familial relationship among believers, emphasizing unity and shared faith. In the early church, this term was used to foster a sense of community among Christians, who often faced persecut...
She kept also great order in the house, and the beds were always beautifully white and clean, and the brothers were contented, and lived in unity. One day the two got ready a fine feast, and when they were all assembled they sat down and ate and drank, and were full of joy. Now...
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she told the King why she had been dumb, and had never laughed. The King rejoiced when he heard that she was innocent, and they all lived in greatunity20until their death. The wicked step-mother was taken before the judge, and put into a barrel filled with boiling oil and venomous sn...
This reflects the early Christian community's emphasis on unity and mutual support. The phrase "I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it" shows Paul's humility and acknowledgment of his ongoing spiritual journey. Despite his significant contributions to the early Church, Paul ...