The British Brotherhood of Assassins, also known as the London Brotherhood,[1] was the guild of Assassins based in the British Isles which had existed since the late 1st century CE as a branch of the Hidden Ones. Growing in the British Isles during the era of the Roman Empire, the ...
Then as quick as a striking snake, Pipes stepped in even closer and grasped the man’s head in both of his massive hands and with a sharp jerk, the man’s neck snapped. Gunny stepped to his right to get into cover. Doing a quick look around Gunny spotted the platoon leader Lieutenant...
During the fall of the Roman Empire, while other branches retreated to Cologne, the Hidden Ones stayed in Gaul. In 870 CE, they worked with their Egyptian bretren to stop the Snake-Eaters who worked for the Order of the Ancients to control the Silk Road. ...