Brother QL-810W is currently the only wireless label machine that has a cascade connection. If merchants want to print product labels through iPad, they need to use 810W (label machine). In this article, you'll find: Notes before use System's label-printing logic Parts description Basic...
我無法使用 Brother Print Service Plugin(Android™ 12 或更新新版本)通過 Bluetooth®/Wireless Direct 連接到印表機。 28 09/05/2023 如何建立包含條碼/QR 碼的標籤 (P-touch Editor 5.1 for Mac) 29 16/12/2021 我無法通過 USB 將印表機連接到 Windows 11 電腦. ...
Python package for the raster language protocol of the Brother QL series label printers (QL-500, QL-550, QL-560, QL-570, QL-700, QL-710W, QL-720NW, QL-800, QL-810W, QL-820NWB, QL-1050, QL-1060N and more). printerbrotherbrother-label-printerlabel-printerql-500ql-700ql-710wbrot...
Handheld Industrial Label Printer with Bluetooth and USB-C (up to 18mm Labels) Shipping, arrives in 3+ days Brother P-Touch PT-P750W Compact Label Maker with Wireless Enabled Printing Add $129.98current price $129.98Brother P-Touch PT-P750W Compact Label Maker with ...
Brother P-touch PT-P700 PC-Connectable Label Printer for PC and Mac, Thermal Transfer, 180 x 360 dpi, 30mm./sec, Up to 4 Print Lines, Auto Cutter, Barcode Printing, USB Add to cart Brother QL-810W 2.4" Ultra-fast Direct Thermal Label Printer, USB, Wireless (b/g/n), WirelessDirec...
Brother QL-1110NWB 4" Wide Format, Professional Direct Thermal Label Printer, USB, USB Host, Bluetooth 2.1+EDR, Wireless (b/g/n), Ethernet, WirelessDirect, Auto Cutter - White/Black UNAVAILABLE OverviewSpecsReviews (2)Warranty & Returns...
Handheld Industrial Label Printer with Bluetooth and USB-C (up to 18mm Labels) Free shipping, arrives in 3+ days Brother QL-810W Ultra-Fast Lab Add $18789current price $187.89Brother QL-810W Ultra-Fast Lab 1013.9 out of 5 ...
使用 Mac 时 启动计算机上的打印机设置工具,然后将 [ 无线 LAN] 选项卡中的 [Wireless Direct] 选择为 [On] 。 b 使用计算机选择打印机的 SSID (“DIRECT-***_QL-810W” 或“DIRECT-***_QL-820NWB” ,其中 *** 是产品序列号的后五位数字)。如有需要,输入密码 (810***/820*** ,其中 *** ...
Brother iPrint&Label is a free application that enables you to easily print labels from your Apple iPhone or iPad to a Brother label printer using a local wireless network. For a list of supported models, please visit your local Brother website. [Key Features] 1. Easy to use menus. 2....
Brother iPrint&Label is a free application that enables you to easily print labels from your Apple iPhone or iPad to a Brother label printer using a local wireless network. For a list of supported models, please visit your local Brother website. [Key Features] 1. Easy to use menus. 2....