Brother and Sister Design Studio, Gems and Glitter Temporary Tattoos, 2 x 2 inches, 12 CountBrother and Sister Designs
buthad Randy’slighteyesandfinefeatures.Hewasclean-cutthen,butRandysaidElechadentered intoarebelliousstageasoflate.Thatincludedgettingtattooswhenhewasonlyfifteenand gettingintotroubleforunderagedrinkingandsmokingpot.RandyblamedPilarforbeing flightyandtoofocusedonherartcareer,therebyallowingElectogetawaywithmurder. ...
Church.TATTOOSLast night's events came hours after the four bandmates proudly displayed fresh tattoos honouring their pal.The first - "76 - 09" for the years of Stephen's birth and death - appeared beneath Superman-style S designs like the one the singer had on his chest.Before leaving ...