MFC-J491DW使用說明書 聯絡我們 產品註冊 瀏覽 語言使用說明書標題說明發行日期(版本)檔案(大小) 參考手冊 Brief explanations for routine operations 17.04.2018(0) 下載(2.24MB) 線上使用者手冊 (HTML/PDF) 這個指引有一個可列印的PDF版本於指引網頁內。*如指引未能正確顯示,請確定您的...
Brother MFCJ491DW 多功能 无线彩色喷墨打印机5折 65.17加元包邮! Amazon网店销售,原价:129.99加元,现价:65.17加元包邮,点击进入订购页面。 轻巧机身且具有多种连接功能,结合打印、复印、传真和扫描,MFCJ491DW是一部适合您各种需要的多功能打印机。配备2.7英寸彩色触摸屏,易于操作,双面打印功能让您节省纸张及墨水。...
The TWAIN scanner driver (TWAIN Driver) is supported by macOS v10.15.x in some moldes. For ADS models, the Scanner Driver download also includes the ICA Scanner Driver and Remote Setup Software. For the product-specific information and download links, please see the chart below....
If theFull Software Packageis not available for your model, install thePrinter DriverorScanner Driver, or both, depending on the functions supported by your model. Update the Firmware If any errors occur during the firmware update,see theRelated FAQsat the end of the page. ...