Brother P-touch, PT-D210, Easy-to-Use Label Maker, One-Touch Keys, White 3884.4 out of 5 Stars. 388 reviews Shipping, arrives in 3+ days Brother P-Touch Label Maker (PT-2040C) Add $38.90current price $38.90Brother P-Touch Label Maker (PT-2040C) 294.4 out of 5 Stars. 29 reviews...
Brother兄弟牌P-Touch PT-D210 Label Maker英文标签打印机内置多种符号、字体以及丰富的模板,适用于办公、文件管理等。一体式橡胶键盘,QWERTY布局,易于操作,使用简单方便。这款机型使用3.5-12mm宽的TZe覆膜色带,打印速度达 20mm/s,有效打印高度提升至了9mm,也把字形、边框、符号等设置方式作为快捷键单独列出,使标签制...
pt-h110 pt-p700 lable printer. 2. Model:printer ribbon for brother p-touch label printer length:12mm 8mm 6mm width:8mm color:mixed color package:5pcs. RELATED INFO:✨ Brother p touch pt d210 label maker tape: brother pt label maker tape is made with brother pt to a brother pt ...
10 pieces per pack Compatibility: Specifically designed for Brother P-Touch Label Makers Features: |Brother P Touch Cube Plus Pt P710bt|Brother Model Pt 90 Label Tape|Tze N231| **Versatile and Durable Labeling Solutions** The 10PK 6/9/12mm Label Tape is a versatile and durable solution for...
Great label maker, take your time and read the instructions and you'll have a much better experience. With all that being said I think they could still do a better job at eliminating excessive label waste, yes ...