Highfield School还配有专门的电脑教室。Highfield School是一所十分注重与时俱进的学校,在现在互联网与计算机越来越发达的时代,电脑课也是学校专门添加进学校自选课程当中的,为了激励孩子们在比较小的岁数就可以有着与时俱进的知识水平与见识...
Highfield & Brookham School —海菲尔德和布鲁克汉姆学校— 学校概况 · 创办时间:1892年· 学生年龄:2-13· 在校人数/住宿人数:294/137· 海外学生比例:7%· 所在地区:该校位于英国南部汉普郡· 学校占地面积:175英亩· 官网:https:/...
Phillip Evitt, Headmaster of Highfield and Brookham Schools, Hampshire, talks about the process of choosing the right senior school and the importance of listening to your gut instinctChoosing a school for your child is one of the most important decisions you’ll make as a parent. This topic...
We encourage parents to also visit schools, ask questions, learn about programs, and consider family needs as part of the school selection process.Show more Source: Location provided by Precisely | Ratings provided by GreatSchools Neighborhood Noise, Commute Facts about 6 India Brook Dr Commute ...
Evitt先生被许多学校教员评价为“最富有关爱心的校长”,并且他曾在2015年获得了Talter杂志主办的第十一届英国最佳预备学校校长的殊荣。在最近的一次英国独立学校检查机构对Highfield School的检查结果显示,学校学生的学识达到了“极好”,上课和参加活动的态度达到了“优秀”。
and socioeconomic backgrounds. Ratings are on a scale of 1 (below average) to 10 (above average). Ratings and reviews help parents compare schools. We encourage parents to also visit schools, ask questions, learn about programs, and consider family needs as part of the school selection process...
Evitt先生被许多学校教员评价为“最富有关爱心的校长”,并且他曾在2015年获得了Talter杂志主办的第十一届英国最佳预备学校校长的殊荣。在最近的一次英国独立学校检查机构对Highfield School的检查结果显示,学校学生的学识达到了“极好”,上课和参...