美国ACA保险分为四种类别,分别为铜、银、金、白金(Bronze、Silver、Gold、Platinum),通常被称为金属计划(Metal Plans)。每种计划都必须提供政府要求的“必要医疗福利”项目,但白金和金计划并不一定比铜和银计划提供更多的医疗保障。它们的主要区别在于医疗费用的分担比例(coinsurance)不同。四种金属计划中,保险公司和个...
USACO(美国计算机奥林匹克竞赛,USA Computing Olympiad)是美国面向全球中学生的高水平编程与算法竞赛。竞赛一共分为四个级别,分别是:铜(Bronze)、银(Silver)、金(Gold)、铂金(Platinum)。 比赛开设目的是为了每年夏季举办的国际信息学竞赛(IOI),选拔美国队队员(4名),相当于国内的NOIP比赛。USACO的赛事含金量也相当高...
If I say the words bronze, silver, and gold… So, it have nothing to do with the time you did a hundred yard dash in? Donald Hill No. Barry Nolan And you if you were to buy insurance on the individual market and I say the words "bronze, silver, gold, and platinum", what do...
lol季前赛定级在bronzei是什么意思?bronzei是什么级别?下面就由小编带大家一起来了解一下吧。 季前赛定级在bronzei也就是字级在青铜的意思,具体的段位名称如下: 青铜:Bronze tier 白银:Silver tier 黄金:Gold tier 白金:Platinum tier 钻石:Diamond tier 王者:Challenger tier...
季前赛定级在bronzei也就是字级在青铜的意思,具体的段位名称如下: 青铜:Bronze tier 白银:Silver tier 黄金:Gold tier 白金:Platinum tier 钻石:Diamond tier 王者:Challenger tier 有关lolbronzei相关内容就介绍到这里,方便大家了解。想要了解更多关于lol的最新资讯,敬请关注特玩网lol专区。
Intel Scalable Processor Family Skylake SP Platinum Gold Silver Bronze The Intel Xeon Scalable Processor Family has four different levels: Platinum, Gold, Silver, and Bronze. We are going to discuss these four different levels in turn. First, we are going to discuss the new naming conventio...
The four levels of health plans—Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum—are differentiated based on theiractuarial value: the average percentage of healthcare expenses that will be paid by the plan. The higher theactuarial value(i.e. Gold and Platinum), the more the plan ...
bronze 翻译 bronze 翻译基本解释 ●Bronze:青铜
青铜:Bronze tier 白银:Silver tier 黄金:Gold tier 白金:Platinum tier 钻石:Diamond tier 王者:Challenger tier 什么英勇青铜的英勇阿,不屈白银的不屈阿这些形容词是中国人自己设计加上的,美服只是单纯形容青铜白银钻石。tier的意思就是段位,层次。