Genetic variation of fertility and hatchability in the Broad Breasted Bronze turkey. Poultry Sci. 32:321-331.ABPLANALP, H.; KOSIN, I.L. Genetic variation of fertility and hatchability in the broadbreastest bronze turkey. Poultry Science, Ithaca, v.32, p.321-331, 1953....
K. (1965): The influence of reserpine on plasma cholesterol and hemodynamics and arteriosclerotic lesions in the broad-breasted bronze turkey. Poult. Sci. 41, 40-45.Speckman, E. W., and R. K. Ringer, 1962. The in- fluence of reserpine on plasma cholesterol, he- modynamics and ...
Further studies on unidentified growth factor sources for Broad Breasted Bronze turkey poults. Poultry Sci. 34: 855-861.Atkinson, R.L. T.M. Ferguson and J.R. Couch. 1955. Further studies on unidentified growth factor sources for Broad Breasted Bronze turkey poults. Poult Sci. 33:1220-1227...