Genetic varia- tion of fertility and hatchability in the Broad Breasted Bronze turkey. Poultry Sci. 32:321-347.ABPLANALP, H.; KOSIN, I.L. Genetic variation of fertility and hatchability in the broadbreastest bronze turkey. Poultry Science, Ithaca, v.32, p.321-331, 1953....
K. (1965): The influence of reserpine on plasma cholesterol and hemodynamics and arteriosclerotic lesions in the broad-breasted bronze turkey. Poult. Sci. 41, 40-45.SPECKMAN, E. W., AND R. K. RINGER. 1962. The in- fluence of reserpine on plasma cholesterol, he- modynamics and ...
Antibiotics, methionine and unidentified growth factors in the nutri- tion of Broad Breasted Bronze turkey poults. J. Nutrition, 51: 53-64.Atkinson, R. L., B. L. Reid, J. H. Quisenberry and J, R. Couch, 1953. Antibiotics, methionine and unidentified growth factors in the nutrition of ...
Further studies on unidentified growth factor sources for Broad Breasted Bronze turkey poults. Poultry Sci. 34: 855-861.Atkinson, R. L., T. M. Ferguson and J. R. Couch, 1955 b. Further studies on unidentified growth factor sources for Broad Breasted Bronze turkey poults. Poultry Sci. 34...