blood cough infection inhaler lung lung cancer mucus pneumonia respiratory respiratory system tuberculosis visualization lung disease coughing 1 2 3 4 5 How satisfied are you with your stock video experience today?Send me tips, trends, freebies, updates & offers. Unsubscribe any time. Privacy Polic...
Order blood tests.These can identify signs of infection or measure the amount of carbon dioxide and oxygen in your blood. Test your mucus to rule out diseases caused by bacteria.One of these is whooping cough, also calledpertussis. It causes violent coughing that makes it hard to breathe. If...
You get acute bronchitis the same way you getcold and fluviruses: by getting a virus inside your body, usually by breathing it in or passing it from your hands to yourmouth, nose, oreyes. Viruses get into the air and onto surfaces after someone who is sick coughs, blows their nose, s...
Bronchitis is acute (sudden onset and temporary) or chronic (ongoing) inflammation of the. The bronchi are the large tubes that carry air from theto the lungs. The inflammation triggers a cough that often produces mucus. Many people wonder if bronchitis is contagious. Technically, the answer i...
(sputum) may be clear, yellow, green or brown in color. Brown sputum is usually indicative of an infection. Persistent coughing may cause further inflammation and abrasion of the bronchi, bronchioles, trachea, larynx and/or pharynx thereby causing slight bleeding which is evident as blood-tinged...
such as cigarette smoke. This causes the airways to become inflamed and swollen. In response, cells in the lining of the bronchi producemucusto try to protect the airways. However, the accumulation of the mucus plus the swelling of the bronchi restricts the flow of air to and from the ...
There’s blood in the mucus you cough up, or you have other symptoms that seem unusual for a cold.What is the treatment for bronchitis?Texas MedClinic concurs with the philosophy of WebMD as follows:Conventional treatment for acute bronchitis may consist of simple measures such as getting ple...
epithelial cells of the mucosa and blood elements (leukocytes, erythrocytes). In severe cases other layers of the bronchi also undergo changes. In chronic bronchitis, changes are observed in all structural elements of the bronchial wall, and the tissue of the lung is also involved in the ...
Bronchitis, inflammation of all or part of the bronchial tree (the bronchi), through which air passes into the lungs. The most obvious symptoms are a sensation of chest congestion and a mucus-producing cough. Under ordinary circumstances, the sensitive m
and white blood cell counts usually remain normal. Development of more severe signs, including fever, pus-containing nasal discharge, depression, loss of appetite, and a productive cough, especially in puppies, usually indicates the presence of an additional infection such as distemper or ...