Tablets and sticks work well in floating dispensers, and in-line or off-line chlorinators. Granular chlorine needs to be pre-dissolved in a bucket of water before being dispersed throughout the pool. Ideal Chlorine Levels: Pool: 2.0–4.0 ppm Spa: 2.0–5.0 ppm How Bromine Sanitizes Your ...
Chlorine is perhaps the most widely recognized sanitizer, commonly used in swimming pools, hot tubs, and spas around the world. It is available in various forms, including chlorine tablets, granules, and liquid. Pros of Chlorine Affordability Chlorine is generally cheaper than bromine for several r...
A 20,000-gallon pool used year-round will cost about$600annually to sanitize with chlorine. If you use tablets, you must spend around$20for a floating feeder to dispense the chlorine. The same pool maintained with bromine will cost about$1,000a year for pool chemicals. In addition, you ...