Protons/Electrons:35 Neutrons:45 Shell structure:2,8,18,7 Electron configuration:[Ar]3d104s24p5 Oxidation state:±1,5 Crystal structure:orthorhombic Stemming from the Greek word for stench, bromine is known for its strong, disagreeable odor, similar to that of chlorine. Corrosive to human ti...
Number ofNeutrons(most common/stable nuclide):45 Number ofProtons:35 Oxidation States:±1,5 Valence Electrons:4s2p5 Electron Dot Model Chemical Properties of Bromine Electrochemical Equivalent:2.9812g/amp-hr Electron Work Function: Electronegativity:2.96 (Pauling); 2.74 (Allrod Rochow) ...
You are given an element 7X14.Find out.a.1.number of protons,electronsneutrons in Xa.2.valency of Xa.3.electronic configuration of X.b.If Bromine atom is available in the form of, say two isotopes35BR79 (49.7
What is the number of neutrons in fluorine? What is the atomic mass of oxygen-18? What is the mass number of oxygen-17? What is relative atomic mass? What is the mass number of tritium? What is the mass number of an atom with 5 protons and 7 neutrons? What is the mass number of...
How bromine is used to distinguish between saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons. Discovery of Bromine Dr. Doug Stewart Bromine compounds have been used since ancient times. In the first century AD the Roman author Pliny described one of the world’s first chemical industries: dye factories making...
The atomic number for bromine is 35. This means that each atom within bromine includes 35 protons. This element also includes 45 neutrons per atom,... Learn more about this topic: Halogens of the Periodic Table | Properties, Reactivity & Uses ...