BGK =Goku (SSGSS) BLK =Goku Black BRO =Broly BRS =Beerus BVG =Vegeta (SSGSS) CEL =Cell CLR =Cooler FRZ =Frieza GKN =Goku GKU =Goku (Super Saiyan) GNY =Captain Ginyu GT4 =Gogeta (SS4) GTA =Gogeta (SSGSS) GTG =Goku (GT)
Broly vs.Ba Dragon Ball Super Manga Broly vs.Goku(Perfected Super Saiyan Blue)(Flashback) Broly (Super Saiyan) vs. Goku (Perfected Super Saiyan Blue) andVegeta(Perfected Super Saiyan Blue) Broly (Super Saiyan) vs.Gogeta(Perfected Super Saiyan Blue)(Flashback) ...
As part of the Super Pack 4 DLC, Broly appears during the Warrior of Hope Saga where he appears in Age 796 of Future Trunks' timeline from Dragon Ball Super after Goku Black's misuse of the Time Ring in conjunction with his scythe creates a Rift in Time that connects multiple timelines ...
DBFZ Hex Pro ( Bardock Janemba ssj Goku ) vs Dismantlex ( Bardock GT Goku Broly 228 2 38:44 App AxeIce(Android 17_DBS Broly_Goku Black) Fights ShoCo2(Bardock_Zamasu_Yamcha)[DBF 37 -- 13:56 App DBFZ THE STANCE (Janemba, Hit, Jiren) vs GINTOKI (Vegito, 18, ssj Goku) DRAGON B...
New Collectibles from Megahouse Dragon Ball Super Limit Breaker Series Gets Four NEW Additions: Goku, Jiren, Goku Black & Vegeta Top 5 Favorite Dragon Ball Characters Related Products Super Saiyan Gogeta vs Janenba MSRP:$43.99 Bardock vs Frieza 1st Form MSRP:$43.99 Search...
DBFZ Kaimart ( Broly DBS UI Goku Teen Gohan ) vs Bobirasu ( 17 Broly DBS Base Go 39 -- 26:45 App DBFZ Kaimart ( Broly DBS UI Goku Cooler ) vs kent333 ( UI Goku Kefla Black ) DRA 53 -- 13:29 App DBFZ Zelaya ( Beerus UI Goku Gogeta ) vs Jiren The Saucy ( 17 Jiren SS...
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DBFZ Kaimart ( Broly DBS UI Goku Cooler ) vs kent333 ( UI Goku Kefla Black ) DRA 107 -- 22:08 App DBFZ Tako ( Vegito UI Goku Adult Gohan ) vs Piccolo Japan ( Bardock Piccolo Brol 30 -- 14:14 App DBFZ OFA-TSNAce (Gotenks Trunks Yamcha ) vs Gates (Cell Bardock SSJ Goku )...