同义词:realtorreal estate agentestate agentland agenthouse agent 学习怎么用 权威例句 Real Estate Broker Real estate broker Real estate broker A Search Model of Real Estate Broker Behavior The markets for housing and real estate broker services * ...
real estate broker 英 [ˈriːəl ɪˈsteɪt ˈbrəʊkə(r)] 美 [ˈriːəl ɪˈsteɪt ˈbroʊkər]网络 地产经纪人; 房产经纪人; 房地产经纪人; 地产经纪; 不...
我在加拿大考Real Estate Broker 很多朋友在问我有没有考Broker,今天就来分享一下我考试心得。 首先简单说明一下地产经纪的两个类别:Salesperson & Broker。可能大家都知道,这两个的最重要的区别是考了Broker之后可以自己开地产经纪公司了。还有就是持Broker牌照之后可以去做经纪公司的broker of record。另外有些公司...
Broker n. 一、释义: 1. 英文释义 1)One who is engaged for another, usu. on a commission, to neg...
Real Estate Broker房地产经纪人 real estate broker【经】 不动产经纪人 real estaten. 房地产,房地产所有权,不动产 Real Estate Appraiser房地产评估师 value of real estate不动产价值 care of real estate【法】 管理不动产 real estate account不动产帐 房地产帐 ...
real estate broker是什么意思、real estate broker怎么读 real estate broker汉语翻译 【经】 不动产经纪人 real estate broker英语解释 名词real estate broker: a person who is authorized to act as an agent for the sale of land 同义词:realtor, real estate agent, estate agent, land agent, house age...
Realtor vs. broker Many people find a real estate broker to help them through word of mouth or online. You can search for a variety of real estate professionals in your area atrealtor.com’s Find a Realtordatabase, which includes their sales performance, specialties, reviews,...
A real estate broker is a step above a real estate agent and often has more training and education than an agent. They can work independently or hire real estate agents to work under them. The exact rules can vary from state to state, but most have similar requirements. ...
Be sponsored by a licensed real estate broker Complete the continuing education classes required to maintain the license Agents can act as both listing and buyer's agents (known as dual agency), though typically not for the same transaction because that can create a conflict of i...