The far ends of both the tibia and fibula are known as themalleoli(singular is malleolus). These malleoli are the lumps of bone that you can see and feel on the inside and outside of the ankle. Together they form an arch ormortise(a recess) that sits on top of the talus, one of...
Your malleoli, plural, or malleolus, singular which are at the far ends of both your fibula and tibia. They are the lumps of bone that a person can feel and see on the outside and inside of your ankle. Putting them together will form an arch, which sits on top of one of your bon...
Tibia:The tibia is the shinbone and supports the body's weight. The fibula runs alongside the tibia below the knee. It is on the outside part of the leg and is smaller than the tibia. Ankle:The ankle is composed of the bottom ends of the tibia and fibula, the connecting foot bones,...
Therefore, external fixation combined with internal fixation for repair of open fractures of tibia and fibula has been extensively used in the clinic. OBJECTIVE: To explore the repair efficacy of bilateral external fixation combined with limited internal fixation on open fractures of middle and distal...
On the other hand, foregoing pain meds can sometimes help you focus on the injury so that you can move carefully and protect the bone and affected muscles and joints. You are the best judge of what your body needs. If you need relief from the pain for a time, don’t hesitate to give...
Wearing a boot for your broken foot is a major pain in the backside, but it beats a plaster cast and crutches, hands down. Taking it easy at the start and giving your foot time to heal will go a long way towards minimizing your time in the boot. ...
Wearing a boot for your broken foot is a major pain in the backside, but it beats a plaster cast and crutches, hands down. Taking it easy at the start and giving your foot time to heal will go a long way towards minimizing your time in the boot. ...
"It helped me a lot because when I broke my Tibia and Fibula, I didn't know how to have fun, so this article..." more Share yours! More success stories Quizzes Do I Have a Dirty Mind QuizTake Quiz Am I a Good Kisser QuizTake Quiz Rizz Game: Test Your RizzTake Quiz What'...
Lower extremity fractures may involve the femur (thigh bone), the knee, the tibia and/or fibula, the ankle and the bones of the foot. Each has their own relatively common symptoms, signs, and treatment plan. The severity depends upon the location of the fracture, whether the bones are in...