You may have dealt the Enclave a serious blow at Project Purity, but their forces are still out there, and still pose a grave threat to the people and security of the Capital Wasteland. In Broken Steel, you’ll continue your current Fallout 3 character p进行DLC-Broken Steel的方法 1.首先请下载 《辐射3》第三部DLC“Broken Steel” 点击下载 打开Fallout.ini 这行改成这样 SArchiveList=ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated!.bsa, Fallout - Textures.bsa, Fallout - Meshes.bsa, Fallout - Voices.bsa, Fallout - Sound.bsa, Fallout - MenuVoices.bsa, Fallou...
《辐射3》第三步DLC“断钢Broken Steel”将于5月5号登陆PC和Xbox 360平台,售价10美元(或800微软点数),今天又更新出一批新图。据称该DLC将赋予原作一个“开放式结尾”,为将来继续挖掘其价值埋下了伏笔。为迎接《Broken Steel》上线,Bethesda还发布了《辐射3》V1.5版补丁,为游戏新增与之相关的成就并修正了PC版作...
Fallout 3: Broken Steel(2009) Video Game|Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi Edit pageAdd to list Track Expansion pack forFallout 3. After Project Purity, your main goal is to wipe out the Enclave. Director Todd Howard Writers Alan Nanes|Emil Pagliarulo ...
2.解压压缩包,将“BrokenSteel”的3个文件复制到Data目录下,和此前两个DLC一样3.将其他.bik文件复制到/Data/Video目录下,注意备份4.运行“FalloutLauncher.exe”,data files里选中“BrokenSteel.esm”,和此前DLC一样。 【DLC简介】 对应X360和PC平台的《辐射3(Fallout 3)》第三个追加下载章节“断钢”,将为...
Idiot's Guide to get Broken Steel started: 1 Unzip to fallout 3\data and enable in FOMM. Put the plugin at the END of the load list. 2 Right click your fallout3.exe and CHECK the version of your executable in properties. If it is not, you've screwed up. Patch again. ...
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You may have dealt the Enclave a serious blow at Project Purity, but their forces are still out there, and still pose a grave threat to the people and security of the Capital Wasteland.In Broken Steel, you’ll continue your current Fallout 3 character pa
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Test mutagenic serum on a super-mutant. Try Broken Hills is a quest in Fallout 2. With a Science skill of 80% or more, talk to Dr. Henry. Asking about cyber-genetics gives a mission to inject a super mutant with a prototype serum. Use it on a super mutan