This time, however, the handle screw didn't come loose, but the shaft of the valve that turns the water on and off completely broke off. The whole handle assembly is attached to that valve stem. The cleaners nicely balanced it in place for my wife to discover. Our house is 9 years o...
Using a crescent wrench, turn the nut that holds the handle. Before you turn, know that most of these parts need to be turned the opposite way as you normally would, so turn to the left to tighten this part. However, don’t turn too hard. Go slowly. Then test your handle to see ...
Previous:Days Inn shower handle|Main| Next:(for fun) cake error message February 3, 2005 11:14 AM Broken: Honda CRV warning light Beth M. writes: At the end of last week my 'check engine' light came on in my Honda CRV. I've had two friends who drove a few miles with this ligh...
Acollapsible tote basketwith a longer handle is another choice that you’ll use long after you’re healed. If you are on crutches (or just don’t want to be unbalanced on the stairs), a backpack is another option, as is thiscrutch bag pouch. Wear the Right Shoe. (Or the left shoe ...
s also perfect for gathering up everything I need from my room/office/wherever to haul to wherever I am going to be in the house, so I don’t make multiple trips: phone, tissues, Arnica gel, Advil, my insulated water bottle (with a screw top, so it doesn’t tip), book, and ...