Baun was a hard man to stop. "I would say my pain tolerance is high," he said in an interview with the Toronto Star 50 years later. "Pain didn't bother me much. Still doesn't … I played five years with a broken neck and didn't know it." In 2000, ...
Imaging tests often show a distinctive shape of the left ventricle — the heart's main pumping chamber. Its pumping ability is weakened, causing it to bulge or balloon. The shape is similar to that of a jar with a wider base and narrower neck. ...
It was a long, slow exploration of a kiss, gentle and tender and clumsy and real. I raised one hand to his neck, holding him close, and was quietly thankful that I’d chosen an outfit that was easy to take off tonight. And for a time, there was no thought of war, or blood, or...
There are many things more horrible than bloodshed, and slavery is one of them.’ At one point, a character who has been using the Rebellion as an excuse to loot goods from posh stores runs onto the stage with ‘a new hat on her head, a fox fur around her neck over her shawl, thr...
A Christian is a person who has died with Christ, whose stiff neck has been broken, whose brazen forehead has been shattered, whose stony heart has been crushed, whose pride has been slain, and whose life is now mastered by Jesus Christ.” ...
a journalist with the Guardian newspaper. Rosie wanted to know what developments could be expected over the coming days and weeks. She was astounded when I predicted that Scappaticci would return home in the next few days and attempt to ‘brass-neck’ his way out of his predicament. Scapp...
Anyway, life is definitely changing at break neck speed and I could write all day about decisions we have to make and the unknowns and blah, blah, blah, but I don’t want to. I want to put our focus where it should be to face this middle of the week and all that we will ...
In a death pit up to your neck in hellish bile Dead waste so vile, Fatty breakdown of flesh and organs after years fill This cesspool acidic paste eats your body, Toxic jelly from rot, Blood, pus, and liquids internal excrete into this Mess vomit bubbles through your chest and neck, ...
A 58-year-old gentlemen presented with severe neckache, sweating, feeling hot, and cold. PMH included hypertension and MI. On examination, he was clammy, with blood pressure (BP) 205/107 mmHg. Laboratory results showed leucocytosis 28.5 and TroponinT 2002 ng/l (reference range <14.0). ECG...
“Slit Your Guts,” Cryptopsy were unparalleled in their sheer ferocity. Propelling the riffing frenzy is the concussive drumming of Flo Mounier, unleashing a series of blasts and fills with surgical precision. A neck-wrecker from start to finish, ‘None So Vile’ puts more heads on a ...