Favorite Champs Competitive IDs Broken Blade Soloqueue IDs EUW: brokenblade19, G2 Topfather, brokenblade12NA: Kral BB, TSM BBKR: 1a2b3c4d5f6, str8 beefy modeCN: asdovjstsmapibb, YassuoSanchovies Social Media & LinksContents1 Team History 2 News 3 Biography 4 Trivia 5 Tournament Results...
is bad because together we are stronger, but having CDs reduced by more than 50% (using only 1 trait) while being able to pull out 25k DPS in Open World SOLO (against champs, not training golem) is OK? Why isn't it on higher CD? Or maybe once per interval against foes with ...