If you have difficulty keeping these straight and are inclined to think in pictures, you might want to imagine a foot nestled in the top of the k in brake, pressing that top line down onto the e, which isn't saying a thing, because the k has put the brakes on.Synonyms...
38. to burst or rupture: A blood vessel broke. 39. to interrupt or halt an activity: Let's break for lunch. 40. to appear or arrive suddenly: A deer broke into the clearing. 41. to dawn: The day broke hot. 42. to begin violently and suddenly: The storm broke. 43. (of a sto...
38. to burst or rupture: A blood vessel broke. 39. to interrupt or halt an activity: Let's break for lunch. 40. to appear or arrive suddenly: A deer broke into the clearing. 41. to dawn: The day broke hot. 42. to begin violently and suddenly: The storm broke. 43. (of a sto...