Previous multiplayer beta proposed 6 maps so we have decided to ramp up things a bit and propose 8 brand new maps this time. We have selected a panel of very different layouts to let you experiment various gameplay situations and see what you prefer. All these maps are large enough to hos...
The Multiplayer Open Beta is here: it contains four specializations playable on six multiplayer matches in an exciting 5v5 online mode.
1) When will be the next opportunity to play Broken Arrow?什么时候能再次玩到BA?The tentative date for the next (and most likely last) open beta testing is in the first half of fall.下一次(极有可能最后一次)测试将可能在秋季放出2) What changes have happened/will happen in the game for ...
Traditionally, a couple weeks before the OBT we open registration for Broken Arrow closed beta.This beta will be dedicated to testing multiplayer, before the open beta starts on November 12.Note that old registrations are not valid, so you will have to register again. The publisher will select...
You're probably wondering what the current development status is: the team is working on the version that will become the beta; this version of the game will also contain multiplayer, unlike the demo back in February. We want to provide a polished and refined experience from the get go, so...
Our next steps will be a new multiplayer Open Beta: we are going to make the game available to play for everyone on November 12. Throughout the whole month of October you can expect weekly dev diaries which will show you all the news and showcase the content available in the beta: new...
We are working on a beta version. The closed beta will start in the next couple of months and will feature multiplayer, unlike the demo released in February. The ability to play single player mode will also remain.You will be able to sign up for the closed beta a little later....
We are wary of elements that are clearly aimed at slowing down gameplay, as we understandably want to relieve multiplayer players from forty minutes of banging their heads against the wall, but we enthusiastically consider any experiments in single player campaigns, operations and co-op. At the ...
Previous multiplayer beta proposed 6 maps so we have decided to ramp up things a bit and propose 8 brand new maps this time.We have selected a panel of very different layouts to let you experiment various gameplay situations and see what you prefer.All these maps are large enough to host ...
Last month we ran a large closed beta for testing multiplayer. We're now ready to top that.