《断箭》(Broken Arrow)是一款大型实时现代战争战术游戏. 基础版游戏将包含美国和俄罗斯两个阵营, 每个阵营拥有4个独特的军种, 如海军陆战队, 装甲部队, 空降兵等.
Broken Arrow 断箭测试 俄军T-90M挺好用DD的游戏屋 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多934 1 32:47 App Broken Arrow 5V5 美军内战 ac130空降兵抢点 440 -- 47:25 App Broken Arrow 断箭 5V5免费测试 美军试玩 610 -- 29:44 App SEA POWER 事态升级(2) Escalation (Breakthrough 2_3)...
好消息来了最新消息,..Beta is June, maybe early-July start date. We'll see.Release isn't in stone, but as said, sometime a
本吧热帖: 1-【1.24patreon】 MH-60X隐身鹰 2-4k 60帧 3-自己瞎画的图 4-断箭玩家的理想型be like: 5-听说断剑又要测试了吗 6-brokenarrow吧吧主招募结果公示 7-[公告]关于撤销 腾腾热气哥 吧主管理权限的说明 8-#DeepSeek挑战弱智吧# 9-新 官方水楼 10-新水楼,但是经验双
We know many from the Broken Arrow community have been eagerly waiting for news on the game. We originally planned for a 2024 release but we regretfully had to take the decision to move the release of the game to 2025. We know this will disappoint many of you, and we're sorry that ...
29:31 【暗黑破坏神4】rob | 试炼即将实装 New Diablo 4 Endgame "TRIALS" Release Tomorrow 13:28 【暗黑破坏神4】rob | 用野蛮人获得永久狂暴与双倍伤害 Get Perma Berserking & DOUBLE DAMAGE on Barb 08:56 【暗黑破坏神4】rob | 野蛮人试炼最佳BD 先祖锤vs流血 BEST BARB BUILDS for Gauntlet! HotA...
Broken Arrow ComingJune 2025 PC -- Not Reviewed Where to buy Broken Arrow There are currently no available deals GameSpot may get a commission from retail offers. Sign In to follow. Follow Broken Arrow, and we'll let you know when we have any news, trailers, or screenshots....
At the moment, all of the team's time and energy is focused on refining and polishing the base version of our game - the minimum set of mechanics that we have defined for release. Any other innovations and experiments will be introduced after the release with patches, when the game will ...
Over the past period of time the game has been added: 过去一段时间我们在忙什么: - new terrain damage system (registering hits of different ammunition) 新的地形破坏系统(根据弹药类型) - the overall performance of the game has increased by a third, especially for weak PCs 整体性能优化,特别针对...
Cheese for New Beta game Broken Arrow Looking for some cheese for the new game Broken Arrow, anything will peak my interest, esp or unit cheese for range, or any stat modifier, if not possible will still consider others @4355 on disc 02/10/2024, 22:21 #2 (?) will00222 elite*gold...