Brock is back. Former Heavyweight Champion Brock Lesnar arrives in UFC® 4. Use his tremendous size, raw power and impressive wrestling to dominate your opponent in the Octagon™.
Brock est de retour. Brock Lesnar, l’ancien champion poids lourds, débarque dans UFC® 4. Utilisez son incroyable taille, sa puissance pure et sa lutte impressionnante pour dominer votre adversaire dans l’Octogone™.
Brock is back. Former Heavyweight Champion Brock Lesnar arrives in UFC® 4. Use his tremendous size, raw power and impressive wrestling to dominate your opponent in the Octagon™.
prior to Brock Lesnar's appearance at WrestleMania 36.Brock Lesnardoesn't like being around people. That's not a WWE gimmick or a persona he put on in advance of pummeling fellow heavyweights in the UFC. Unless you're someone who has earned his respect, Lesnar...
“祖宗布”布洛克-莱斯纳(Brock Lesnar)在UFC 87暴打“疯马”希思·赫林(Heath Herring) #UFC# #超话创作官# #UFC296#
2012年刚回归那会、大布真的太猛#wwe #摔角 #mma综合格斗 #brocklesnar #ufc - 猛兽-布洛克莱斯纳于20220812发布在抖音,已经收获了14.5万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
0回复贴,共1页 <返回ufc吧Brock Lesnar大学时期285磅级别自由式摔跤NCAA决赛 只看楼主收藏回复 永定河的乌贼鱼 荣誉TUF 12 播放出现小问题,请 刷新 尝试 送TA礼物 1楼2024-05-03 20:28回复 扫二维码下载贴吧客户端 下载贴吧APP看高清直播、视频! 贴吧页面意见反馈 违规贴吧举报反馈通道 贴吧违规信息处理公示...
Brock回來了。前重量級冠軍Brock Lesnar在UFC® 4登場。善用他人高馬大的體型、原始力量和令人印象深刻的摔跤,在Octagon™主宰對手。
Lesnar debuted on WWF television on the March 18, 2002, episode of Raw, coming through the crowd and attacking Al Snow, Maven and Spike Dudley during their match. He was accompanied by Paul Heyman, who was seen giving instructions to Lesnar.[27] When the brand extension was introduced in...
UFC王者 brock lesnar是格斗界里新的神话,原本是WWE表演选手的他,以一个业余选手的身份进入格斗界,迅速横扫几名前任冠军,登上了格斗界世界排名第1的宝座! 如今,身为世界最强冠军的brock,实力远远超出了其它选手,而这个时代,也被称作“brock时代” brock只用了4场胜利即拿到了冠军,这是其它选手想都不敢想的,而在...