test_channel 参数用来指定channel的名称,用以标识这个 channel,在其他页面,可以通过传入相同的 name 来使用同一个广播频道,连接到相同名称的BroadcastChannel,可以监听到这个channel分发的消息。用 MDN 上的话来解释就是: There is one single channel with this name for all browsing contexts with the same origin...
7.2 - 15.0: Supported 16.0: Supported QQ Browser 10.4: Supported Baidu Browser 7.12: Not supported KaiOS Browser 2.5: Supported Resources: MDN Web Docs - Broadcast Channel Shim - Broadcast Channel based on Localstorage, Indexeddb or Sockets...
It's kind of like the difference between hot-wiring your car and using a proper key. MDN notes that this feature can be used with Web Workers, which is a great way to delegate some work to new threads. Share Improve this answer Follow edited May 2, 2021 at 13:59 answered May...
BroadcastChannel接口代理了一个命名频道,可以让指定origin下的任意browsing context来订阅它。它允许同源的不同浏览器窗口,Tab页,frame或者 iframe 下的不同文档之间相互通信。通过触发一个message事件,消息可以广播到所有监听了该频道的BroadcastChannel对象。 Note: ...
Summary https://nodejs.org/docs/latest/api/globals.html#broadcastchannel https://nodejs.org/docs/latest/api/worker_threads.html#class-broadcastchannel-extends-eventtarget https://nodejs.org/docs/la...
test_channel 参数用来指定channel的名称,用以标识这个 channel,在其他页面,可以通过传入相同的 name 来使用同一个广播频道,连接到相同名称的BroadcastChannel,可以监听到这个channel分发的消息。用 MDN 上的话来解释就是: There is one single channel with this name for all browsing contexts with the same origin...