Ubuntu 20.04: Output for the command “ifconfig” Rightin the second line, Ubuntu presents three values after executing the command: inet: the Internet address of your device (here: netmask: the subnet mask of the local network (here: ...
public void PrintBroadcastAddress() { // Get the IP Broadcast address and convert it to string. string ipAddressString = IPAddress.Broadcast.ToString(); Console.WriteLine("Broadcast IP address: {0}", ipAddressString); } 注解 字段Broadcast 等效于虚四表示法中的。 适用于 产品...
The main goal of a broadcast IP is to enable one-to-many communication within the network. In IPv4 networks, the broadcast IP address is typically the last address in the network range. In IPv6 networks, multicast IPs replaced the broadcast IP because IPv6 has more efficiency than IPv4. ...
IPAddress.cs 提供IP 广播地址。 此字段为只读。 C# publicstaticreadonlySystem.Net.IPAddress Broadcast; 字段值 IPAddress 示例 以下示例将Broadcast地址输出到控制台。 C# publicvoidPrintBroadcastAddress(){// Get the IP Broadcast address and convert it to string.stringipAddressString = IPAddress.Broadcast...
In the destination IP address of such a packet, the network ID field contains the network ID of a specific network, and the host ID field contains all 1s. To enable an interface to receive and forward directed broadcast packets destined for its direct network segment, run the ip forward-...
In the destination IP address of such a packet, the network ID field contains the network ID of a specific network, and the host ID field contains all 1s. To enable an interface to receive and forward directed broadcast packets destined for its direct network segment, run the ip forward-...
address is a broadcast address or not. If the interface of R1, which is connected to sw1, is configured with for example ip address ( with netmask, if will decide to send the packet as broadcastn because the target address is the broadcast address of the...
BRDADDRhwaddr=fcntl.ioctl(s.fileno(),0x8927,struct.pack('256s',bytes_iface_name))[18:24].hex()# SIOCGIFHWADDRhwaddr=':'.join([hwaddr[i:i+2]foriinrange(0,len(hwaddr),2)])ifaces[iface_name]={'name':iface_name,'hwaddr':hwaddr,'addr':ip,'netmask':netmask,'broadcast':broadcast...
这是我获取我的网络广播地址的代码: s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAMip_address = ipaddress.IPv4Network(s.getsockname()[0] + "/" + str(ip_addr.netmask)) return ip_address.broadcast_address 浏览2提问于2021-01-08得票数 1 回答已采纳 1回答 如何获取所需广播地址的发送方I...
public void PrintBroadcastAddress() { // Get the IP Broadcast address and convert it to string. string ipAddressString = IPAddress.Broadcast.ToString(); Console.WriteLine("Broadcast IP address: {0}", ipAddressString); } 備註 欄位Broadcast 相當於虛線四邊形標記法中的。 適用於...