Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook nonbroadcast (ˌnɒnˈbrɔːdˌkɑːst) adj not broadcast to a wide audience, supplied on a hidden or private network Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, ...
Post the Definition of broadcast to Facebook Facebook Share the Definition of broadcast on Twitter Twitter Kids Definition broadcast 1 of 4 adjective broad·cast ˈbrȯd-ˌkast 1 : scattered in all directions 2 : made public by means of radio or television or by streaming ove...
As a verb, to transmit programs or signals intended to be received by the public through radio, television, or similar means. As a noun, the radio, television, or other program received by the public through the transmission. In 1898 Guglielmo Marconi, a 24-year-old Italian, began the wor...
Post the Definition of broadcast to Facebook Facebook Share the Definition of broadcast on Twitter Twitter Kids Definition broadcast 1 of 4 adjective broad·cast ˈbrȯd-ˌkast 1 : scattered in all directions 2 : made public by means of radio or television or by streaming ove...
Finally, we study the social engagement while the video is live and distinguish the key aspects when the same video goes on-demand. A common theme throughout the paper is that, despite its name, many attributes of Facebook Live deviate from both the concepts of live and broadcast. 展开 ...
Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook ra·di·o·broad·cast (rā′dē-ō-brôd′kăst′) tr.v.ra·di·o·broad·castorra·di·o·broad·cast·ed,ra·di·o·broad·cast·ing,ra·di·o·broad·casts To broadcast by radio. ...
Share this:Share on twitterShare on facebookShare on sinaweiboShare on email Font size: Full coverage:The South China Sea Issue China has taken its campaign on the South China Sea to Times Square in New York, with a three-minute video. The video features the scenery and historic facts tha...
#FBHPLive #FBHP # CityOnTheHill #FaithStrong #FBCHighlandParkFBCHPWelcome to our Worship Experience. You can also catch up with us on social media: Facebook|Youtube|X or visit our website:www.fbhp.org GIVE Website: www.FBHP.org/GIVE ...
in silicon valley and among the tech press, it hasn’t quite taken off for most of the world. with its nearly 1.5 billion monthly users, facebook may be in the unique position to bring livestreaming into the mainstream—at least when it comes to people willing to watch. serena williams ...
Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window) Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window) Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window) More NAB 2016! On April 26, 2016, inTelevision & Video Production, by Television Faculty ...