Also remember that you don’t need to compromise ongood broadband dealsjust because you’re on benefits. If it doesn’t work for you, you can alwaysswitch your broadband provider. How do I apply for a social tariff? You need to first check if your current broadband provider offers any so...
摘要: This paper reviews the international literature on broadband network developments and assesses the claims of social and economic benefits attributed to broadband initiatives. The paper reveals a current disconnect between societal level goals for increased citizen...
Because of this merger, O2 no longer offers fixed broadband directly. However, there are still several O2 mobile broadband options to keep you connected wirelessly – it's ideal for while you're on the move or in an area with poor broadband connectivity. Plus, if you have an O2 mobile co...
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We think high-quality broadband is for everyone – so we make our full fibre even more affordable for low-income families on Universal Credit or claiming other qualifying benefits. We offer discounted prices for those who need it most, without compromising on quality. Get our Fast 50Mb for ju...
We have many different business broadband packages and dedicated internet line options available. Prices vary according to package type, contract length and special offers. The best way to get an indicative price is to first check which packages are available at your location. You can do this by...
A monopolistic broadband provider offers flat-price contracts with cap for Internet access to mobile phone users. A contract with cap is identified by a pair (y, p): the user pays (ex-ante) a price p and receives an allowance of y units of Internet traffic; if, and when, the user ha...
Super-smooth Fibre-to-the-Home Internet access offers a choice of bandwidth all the way up to a blisteringly-fast 10,000M. High-Quality broadband service NETVIGATOR combines Fibre-to-the-Home broadband connectivity with the strongest international bandwidth, Hong Kong's largest network of Wi-Fi...
(NFV) has been gaining momentum throughout the telecom industry, and is hailed as the latest innovation in network architecture since All IP. The technology offers hardware and software decoupling, standardized hardware platforms, resource sharing, and dynamic resource scheduling – bene...
Obviously, broadband connectivity has its drawbacks. But for many Internet users, it still offers an irresistible promise of lightning-fast connectivity at very low cost. It's important to first recognize that there is a problem and then take specific risk reduction measures, so in this section,...