Broad Is The Way That Leadeth to Destruction
Enter ye in at the strait gate:for wide is the gate,and broad is the way,that leadeth to destruction,and many there be which go in thereat:Because strait is the gate,and narrow is the way,which leadeth unto life,and few there be that find it.Matthew 7 :13,14 请问这句话告诉我们...
英语翻译Enter ye in at the strait gate:for wide is the gate,and broad is the way,that leadeth to destruction,and many there be which go in thereat:Because strait is the gate,and narrow is the way,which leadeth unto life,and few there be that find
羞愧无地 7 The 20th century was entirely his... 回复 16楼 2010-12-14 23:36 举报 |登录百度帐号 幸运投注足彩推荐更多玩法 已有219,724吧友中奖,实现梦想 01 04 14 15 21 23 08 换一换多投几注 沾沾喜气 立即投注 神户 25:57:01 日联杯 鸟栖 主胜17.68 平局17.68 客胜2 倍数: 倍换一...
“Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it.NASB 1995“Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter ...
The tornado spread destruction. Broad Comprehensive; liberal; enlarged. Spread To make a wide or extensive arrangement of We spread the bicycle parts out on the floor. Broad Plain; evident. A broad hint Spread To exhibit or display the full extent of The scene that was spread before us. Bro...
Define broadax. broadax synonyms, broadax pronunciation, broadax translation, English dictionary definition of broadax. also broad·ax n. An axe with a wide flat head and a short handle. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edi
The tragic destruction of the vibrant Bunker Hill residential neighborhood in the 1960’s created a series of vacant freeway-flanked “superblocks” intended for ugly, efficient modernist towers - many of which never reached fruition. To this day, the area is still plagued with empty lots. ...
英文: Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it. 中文: 太7:13你们要进窄门.因为引到灭亡、那门是宽的、路是大的、进去的人也多。 更详细... 英文: Every time I pass by funeral homes...
terrorists access to weapons of mass destruction, whichhas beenadoptedbyconsensussince 2002, and the recently extended work of the [...] 自2002 年以来,印度在大会提出的关于制止恐 怖分子获取大规模杀伤性武器的措施的决议一直以协商一致方式获得通过,最近安全理事...