Synonyms:vast,ample,extensive wide-open;full: We awoke to broad daylight. not limited or narrow; of extensive range or scope: A modern doctor must have a broad knowledge of medicine. Synonyms:open,wide,extensive liberal;tolerant: A broad interpretation of the law tempers justice with mercy. ...
The meaning of BROAD is having ample extent from side to side or between limits. How to use broad in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Broad.
The meaning of BROAD is having ample extent from side to side or between limits. How to use broad in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Broad.
in broad daylight 光天化日之下 guāng tiān huà rì zhī xià a broad hint 明显(顯)的暗示 míngxiǎn de ànshì [次 cì] B-road [ˈbiːrəud] (Brit) n [c] 辅(輔)路 fǔlù 在这些条目还发现'broad': 在英文解释里: all-encompassing - beaming - blade - bluff - catholic ...
The meaning of BROAD is having ample extent from side to side or between limits. How to use broad in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Broad.
The meaning of BROAD is having ample extent from side to side or between limits. How to use broad in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Broad.