On September 15, 2020, Judge Jenifer Holt issued arare ruling in favour of Brittany Smith, the young Alabama woman who says she was raped repeatedly before she killed her attacker, when Holt denied the prosecutor’s motions to revoke Smith’s bail. “The trial of this case will begin in s...
Netflix正当防卫纪录片《自卫杀人案审判直击》全1集 Netflix正当防卫纪录片《自卫杀人案审判直击 State of Alabama vs. Brittany Smith 2022》这部纪录片讲述一名女子的悲痛故事,她在杀害残忍攻击
别名:State of Alabama vs. Brittany Smith 别名:State of Alabama vs. Brittany Smith 导演:瑞恩·怀特 语言:英语 主演:Dawn Hendricks , Chris McCallie , Ramona McCallie , Paige Painter , Kayla Pearson 地区:美国 类型:纪录片 影片时长:00:40:00 豆瓣评分:1 上映时间:2022-11-10简介...