Words You Always Have to Look Up Your vs. You're: How to Use Them Correctly Popular in Wordplay See All More Words with Remarkable Origins 12 Words Whose History Will Surprise You 8 Words for Lesser-Known Musical Instruments Birds Say the Darndest Things ...
Britain, with the longer history of English, has some phrases that have survived from medieval time (not all of them pleasant, actually: most of them are swear words!); but the US also has its traditional phrases whose specificity make no sense to the British. Here we’ll run down a...
for example意为“例如”,用来举例说明;while意为“而”,连接表示对比的两个句子。根据新情景要求“举个例子来描述你和你最好的朋友之间的巨大差异”可知,这里可以举例说明自己和朋友在音乐品味方面的不同。故答案为:I and my best friend have vastly different tastes in music. For example, I enjoy listening...
Words You Always Have to Look Up Your vs. You're: How to Use Them Correctly Popular in Wordplay See All More Words with Remarkable Origins 8 Words with Fascinating Histories 8 Words for Lesser-Known Musical Instruments Birds Say the Darndest Things ...
two.We speak English on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean but we have many differences in our common language.We have examples of the same words having very different meanings, differing spellings of the same words as well as completely different words for the same things.Here are some ...
2024年高中英语Module1BritishandAmericanEnglishSectionⅣOtherPartsoftheModule教案含解析外研版必修5.doc,PAGE PAGE 1 Section Ⅳ Other Parts of the Module [原文呈现] The Man Who Made Spelling Simple In English the spelling of words does not always① represen
British and American English have mutually(相互的) influenced each other for centuries, but the reactions to these linguistic(语言的) exchanges are different on both sides of the Atlantic. British intellectuals often complain about Americanisms, such as "24/7" or "touch base", which are viewed...
和美式英语(A.E.)区别 British & American English 2020 秋高二英语外研版必修 5 学案:Module 1 British and American English SectionⅠ Introduction Reading and Speaking Word 版含解析 开启快乐学习之旅 英式英语与美式英语的区别主要体现在四个方面: 一、发音和语调方面 美式发音区别于英式发音的...
American and British people both speak English of course. But sometimes it does not seem like the same language. 1 First of all,they sound very differently. Often,Americans don’t say each word separately. They say several words together. Americans may
eg.1) The American Indians referred to salt as “magic white sand.” 2) The students referred to their teacher as a friend. refer to参考(资料,字典),谈及,提到look up sth…..查找 eg. The dictionary ___in class is well worth buying. When you meet with some new words, you may __...