Apart from the literal meaning of PISS (to urinate), it can be used to talk about ANGER, INTOXICATION, JOKING, and a huge variety of other imporant uses and collocations. Even if you´re not going to use it, it´s a good idea to know how others use it. WARNING:Although the wor...
You may often find yourself wondering if someone is actually joking. 36 The British don't like to take themselves too seriously. They make fun of themselves. By making light of their own failures, they become more humble and friendly. 37 So when someone makes a joke about you, it ...
The learning that I have captured, the confidence that I have developed, and mostly importantly, the constant messages of smiles and thanks that I get from children and parents from across the world for creating T4Tales, is certainly worth it!I have had the amazing opportunity to learn from ...
And he is joking about stereotypes (刻板印象): most rappers are black, many golfers are white and Asian people are usually shorter than Western people.【小题1】To understand a classic British joke, you have to ___. A.have experience living in Britain. B.understand that British jokes are...
A:To wind someone up is to annoy them but in a joking sort of way. The result is to get a laugh at the end of it. 查看更多回答 Q:The best ofBritish!是什麼意思 A:@Igirisujin: @AB_333: Thank you for answering! 查看更多回答 ...
Joking or talking easily, said: Jesus Christ (Jesus Christ) will be people who think you are rude. Called "you're a beast! "Or" abominable thing! "Shi, the British use of the word of God. For Christ's sake! (For Christ! ) God damned! (God cursed! ) Hell! (Beast of hell! )...
actually mean “very good", and “not bad at all" might be the highest praise you ever get from a British person.By the way, I must tell you one rule of British humor: If someone is saying something which makes completely no sense with a straight face, they're probably joking.( )1...
“Bridgend County”? Surely you’re joking? ABC’s main point is that it would be better for both local government and the historic counties if the word ‘county’ ceased to be used as a term within local government and if local authorities stopped aping historic county names. Local authori...
Two other characteristics of British comedy that are unique are英国喜剧的另外两个独特之处是,对在其他文化中被视joking about topics that would be considered “taboo" in other为禁的题开玩笑,以以自我贬低为主题的幽默。例 ,cultures and humour focused on self-depreciation'. For example,一个 “禁忌...
As we came to the end of the tour Mark said that we would now be going in with all the wolves and I laughed, it turns out he wasn’t joking! Before we entered each area he told us which wolves we could initiate contact with and which ones we weren’t to approach unless they came...