British Triathlon Association British tribal British tribe British tribes British Troops in Egypt British Trout Association British Truck Racing Association British Trust for Conservation Volunteers British Trust for Ornithology British Tunnelling Society British Turf and Landscape Irrigation Association British Tur...
British Travel International British Travel Trade Fair British Travelgoods and Accessories Association British Trials and Rally Drivers Association British Triathlon Association British tribal British tribe British tribes British Troops in Egypt British Trout Association British Truck Racing Association ▼Complete...
New OU was associated with an increase in the log of combined weighted cycle and run training in levels 3, 4 and 5 two weeks prior to onset (p<0.05). Conclusion The extent to which cycle and run training have a cumulative effect on triathlon injury risk deserves further investigation....
Eleven (2.5%) athletes, competing in a range of sports including judo, skiing, cycling, triathlon, rugby and tennis, presented with a wall thickness >13 mm, commensurate with a diagnosis of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Eighteen (5.8%) male athletes presented with a left ventricular internal ...
BTABritish Triathlon Association BTABilateral Trade Agreement BTABasic Trading Area(FCC - PCS) BTABollettino Telematico dell'Arte BTABenzotriazole BTABacon, Tomato, Avocado(sandwich) BTABotswana Telecommunications Authority BTABureau des Technologies d'Apprentissage(Canadian office of learning technologies) ...
New OU was associated with an increase in the log of combined weighted cycle and run training in levels 3, 4 and 5 two weeks prior to onset (p<0.05). Conclusion The extent to which cycle and run training have a cumulative effect on triathlon injury risk deserves further investigation.[...
BTABritish Triathlon Association BTABilateral Trade Agreement BTABasic Trading Area(FCC - PCS) BTABollettino Telematico dell'Arte BTABenzotriazole BTABacon, Tomato, Avocado(sandwich) BTABotswana Telecommunications Authority BTABureau des Technologies d'Apprentissage(Canadian office of learning technologies) ...