The agency also acquired replica Iron Cross medals to reward members of the network for their loyalty while adding further proof that they were working for the enemy.Jack King, also referred to by the initials SR, began his mission by trying to infiltrate the engineering firm Siemens Schuckert,...
The agency also acquired replica Iron Cross medals to reward members of the network for their loyalty while adding further proof that they were working for the enemy.Jack King, also referred to by the initials SR, began his mission by trying to infiltrate the engineering firm Siemens Schuckert,...
members of the first class of Delhi College became well known travelers and wrote their memoirs in English based on daily journals that they kept. Mohan Lal served with Alexander Burns and Shahamat Ali served with Resident of Ludhiana Agency Lieutenant Colonel Claude Wade and later Resident of ...
Chicago – Legendary TV shows deserve legendary DVD sets and the “Ultimate Edition” release for the beloved “Blackadder” truly lives up to the often over-used “ultimate” title. Giving fans everything “Adder”-related that they could possibly ask for, this is the perfect gift this holida...