the influences of those who preferred the Norman (or Anglo- French) spellings of certain words proved decisive.Subsequent spelling adjustments in the UK had little effect on present-day US spelling , and vice versa(反的 ). While in many cases American English deviated( 偏离; 脱离 ) in...
It is a fair compromise between two extremes and settles the problem of how to burn and catch cold at the same time.English spelling is a compromise between documentary expressions and an delicate code-system; spending 3 hours in a queue in front of a cinema is a compromise between ...
Intheearly18thcentury,EnglishspellingwasnotstandardizedDifferencesbecame noticeable明(显得,显著得)afterthepublishingofinfluentialdictionariesurrentBritishEnglish spellingsfollow,forthemostpart,thoseofSamuelJohnsonsDictionaryoftheEnglishLanguage 1(755).ManyofthenowcharacteristicAmericanEnglishspellingswereintroduced,although...
a sequence prompted by and on a repeated train journey from home to work through parts of Devon and Cornwall. It returns to the spirit of John Hall’s early book, Days. In each case the poems arise from the contingencies of the everyday and respond to the language...
going due to the truth that same-sex marriage was legalized in the UK in March 2014. Salvation Mountain is a man-made mountain built to spread the idea of affection for each other, and visiting it is a real interesting experience. Have you ever wondered if different nations have spelling ...
Module 1 British and American English 美文阅读 我们都知道美国与英国都说英语,但您知道英国英语与美国英语到底有什么区别吗下面让我们来瞧究竟吧 American and British English
The typical Briton is introspective, patriotic, insular, xenophobic, brave, small-minded, polite, insecure, arrogant, a compulsive gambler, humorous, reserved, conservative, reticent, hypocritical, a racist, boring, a royalist, condescending, depressed, a keen gardener, semi-literate, hard-working,...