During the Middle Ages, British English absorbed words from Norman French, while the expansion of the British Empire in the 16th and 17th centuries introduced vocabulary from colonies and trading partners. Industrialization and urbanization in the 19th and 20th centuries contributed to slang development,...
American Slang! Slang refers to words, phrases and uses that are regarded as very informal and often restricted to the special context or peculiar to a specified profession class...
101 Must-Know British Slang Words and Phrases All right? Used most commonly as a greeting and certainly not one that requires a response. Brits will welcome friends and family members alike by grunting these two words to one another. Arse There could be an entire English dictionary devoted to...
10 Essential Office Slang Words and Expressions 办公室俚语词汇和表达(商务英语) 07:24 【词汇】46. 21 Most Common Idioms in British English 21个常见习语的表达,用好了就像母语人一样了 06:24 【词汇】47. The Difference Between DURING v WHILE v FOR 详细比较During, while 和 for 06:26 48. I ...
Whinge –to moan and complain (usually in an annoying way) Willy –penis (to) Wind someone up / to be wound up by –this has two similar but subtly different meanings:(1) to tease someone or play a joke on them, get them agitated on purpose but usually in a non-malicious way; (...
I wanted to add that some words may have slang meanings in one place, but not in another or may not be properly misunderstood by everyone in certain contexts. Rubber is a good example. In the UK "rubber" is a proper word for what Americans would call an "eraser" but if you ask an...
In British English, hard is a word with many meanings. It can refer, as its primary dictionary meaning, to a material which is solid and rigid – i.e. a hard brick wall. However, following this meaning it has also become popular slang. ‘Hard’ or ‘solid’ is used to refer to...
Then there are words that exist in both dialects but with slightly different meanings. For example, “trash” in American English refers to garbage, while “rubbish” is more commonly used in British English. In British English, “trash” usually refers to something of lo...
Cockney rhyming slang- There are lots of words that make up cockney rhyming slang. These are basically rhyming words like "butchers hook" which means "look". If you are in London and you hear someone talk about a Septic they are probably talking about you - because it's short for "Septi...
声音简介 Good morning from Oxbridge English its Ali today we shall continue our British Slang series episode 8 todays four words are ‘wind up’ , ‘barmy’, ‘belt up’ and ‘bespoke’. Wind up- This has a couple of meanings. If something you do is a "wind up" it means you are ...